Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas Gifts Galore!!

So I promised to show you guys my gifts that I gave at Christmas so here goes! The first one is a hedgehog which I gave to my sister Jessica of Jessica Leigh La Lou. I love this little guy so much!! He is probably my favorite I made this year.

This was a gift to my brother on his birthday which is in December(oops! sorry Michael!!) and I forgot to post about it so I thought I would just throw it in with this post anyways... As you can see it is a wrestler who is very proud of his muscles.

This was Michael's Christmas gift: a guinnea pig made to look like his pet, complete with a ninja mask.

This panda was my sister Kaitlyn's gift since she has a love of them. I made him a little hat, which made Kaitlyn call him the party panda :D

This cowboy dachshund was a gift for my dad, which is kind of a tradition, in that every year I proceed to give him yet again another dachshund, since I know he loves them so.
And lastly my mom recieved the only non-doll gift of the year: a scarf. She likes it even though I accidently made the mistake of buying two color different skeins of yarn although luckily of the same wieght and texture...could you tell?

Well, this wraps up the gifts I gave for this Christmas, which was pretty splendid in my book. I enjoyed it so much!! I loved spending time with my family as well as getting some pretty good gifts, one that I have been wanting for a while: A CAMERA!!!! Of my very own!! I love it so..... I have been testing it out and trying to see what will work and what won't. How was everyone else's celebrations? Did you get what you have been wanting so desperately?

XOXO, Callie the magical bean


Anonymous said...

So dear Magical Bean (my daughter), I have to say that the scarf (of many colors)is nice and toasty on my neck. It makes me smile when I wear it because I know that you put so much effort into making it. I love all of the colors, whether it was the wrong color skein or not. The gift is from the heart as were all of your gifts and there is nothing better! Mom

thegirlhassparke said...

Gosh your a clever chicken. I think it is so special when someone puts the time in to making your gift. I love the guinea pig, i have one too and it reminded me of him.


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