Crafts are good.
They make allow you to make something out of
nothing. They allow you to express your
inner artist. They are an expression of
you. They make you
feel good, happy, ecstatic even (of course sometimes when things go
amok they make you livid but let's not go into that now shall we? ). My point is that crafty people are typically good m
inded spirits who like to share what they have made.

So...I was thinking it would be fun to have a crafty swap.
I have been wanting to do a crafty swap for some time, especially after I had had so much fun with
Carly's swap during Christmas. So
why not now??!! Summer is here and the hot languid days are perfect for crafting up all kinds of goodness.
Whether or not you are an absolute beginner, a long time crafter, a secret crafter, or have never crafted before (but been wanting to dip your toes in the water), or just love to make things, this is the swap for you!
So here's how it will work. You will be given a secret partner, and make something for them(with their interests in mind). Doesn't matter what craft genre you make it with, or how goood you are, the point is to share the love of crafting with one another. I know that crafting can be cheap or expensive so the tricky part is that what ever you make should cost $10-15 dollars if you were to sell it, not including shipping.
If you want to take part sign up here by leaving a comment with your name, email address, and whether or not you are willing to ship overseas. Then on Friday July 16, 2010 the swap will be closed. Then I will email you with the information on who your partner is, and the rest of the details. Your swap package should be sent out on August 19, 2010, giving you a little more than a month to whip something up.
Also if something comes up and you can't take part in the swap or have any questions, please email me as soon as possible, at
Interested? Good.
Then sign up and help to spread the love of crafty goodness.
I am so excited!!
XOXO, Callie
the magical bean
(PS: Look at the side of my blog to copy and paste the html to get the badge of the Crafty Goodness Swap for your blog.)
Edit: Sign up for this swap is now closed!
Check out what everyone made though below.
In order to make it easier for everyone to see what you made, or received please blog about them! In addition to that I made a link list from linky.com. Simply add your blog post on the list below, so that all the posts are in one place and easier to find.
For those of you that have a flickr account I made a group for it as well. It is called Crafty Goodness Swap, simply follow this url: http://www.flickr.com/groups/1474285@N24/ or click here to join the group, and upload your pictures. If you don't have a flickr account it is really easy and free to join, it doesn't take long either.
Jessica Luhrman
I'm willing to ship overseas.
Great idea! This will be so fun to do! :D
Kristie Wells
I'll ship anywhere :)
Phillippa Gray
I'll ship to where-ever
Sure! I'm a sucker for a good swap.
Daisy O'Neil
(not sure I can handle overseas. Sorry!)
This sounds lovely!
crumpets with jam @ gmail.com
Yes, will certainly send overseas!
This sounds like fun! Count me in!
Cathy Parker
Prefer good ol USA
I would love to particpate in this swap!
Prefer USA
shipping oversea... for sure!
i'm such an idiot!
i thought i had to email to you to enter the crafty swap.
then i realized that you just had to comment!
i'm in!
Sign me up!
willing to ship wherever!
Super excited for this one!
Sign me up too please!
I'll ship anywhere in the whole wide world!
With love
Kate from Hungary (Europe)
I e-mailed my info. This sounds like lots of fun!
I'm in! Fun!!!
I will ship anywhere in North America, but preferably not overseas.
This sounds like fun!! I'll ship anywhere. I just found your blog andI am so glad I did. I love swaps! My name is Shannon Linde and my e-mail address is shannon.linde@yahoo.com
Thanks for hosting this for us!
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